ACSUG takes part in the 2017 ENQA general assembly in Sevres (France)

ACSUG has participated in the General Assembly of the year 2017 of the European Association for the Guarantee of the Quality of Higher Education (ENQA), which was held on 26 and 27 October in the French city of Sevres.

The General Assembly was preceded, as usual, by a forum attended by more than 120 people belonging to the agencies that are part of ENQA. In this forum various topics related to the quality of higher education were discussed, through presentations, round tables and poster presentations. Among other issues, the recommendations that ENQA will propose for the next Ministerial Conference of the Bologna Process, scheduled for the month of May 2018 in Paris, were discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of carrying out institutional accreditation or accreditation of programs have also been discussed

Afterwards, at the ENQA General Assembly, both the annual report for 2017 and the budget and the plan of activities for 2018 of the entity were approved. It also proceeded to the partial renewal of the Board and the election of the new president of the body. The assembly also confirmed, for 5 more years, the renewal of 7 agencies that were reevaluated in 2017 as members of the agency.

The next meeting of ENQA, the member's forum of the year 2018, will take place in Zaragoza next April, organized by the Agency for Quality and Prospective University of Aragon (ACPUA).