This study is adopting a point of view that is different from the one applied in the reports previously produced by the ACSUG, and one that is relatively new to the economic literature, since its methods and results are based upon the opinions and needs of those who will ultimately benefit from the abilities of the university graduates: employers. The main objective of this research has now become that of learning about the needs that employers have in relation to university graduates and the extent to which the education graduates have received in the classroom fits with such demands.
This objective still remains ambitious, however, since the concept of employer extends from self-employment for work carried out by the graduates themselves all the way through to public sector employment. For this reason, the population of employers to which the study was directed was limited, centered on small-to-medium sized businesses (called PYMES in Spanish).
The survey questions asked can be divided into two broad groupings. The first group is designed to provide general knowledge of the job market as it is being encountered by the university graduates. The basic characteristics of the labor market in Galicia are presented and compared to the realities seen elsewhere in Spain and in Europe. The second group of questions is focused on learning about current and future demands for university graduates as well as the opinions of business owners regarding university education.
In 2010, the ACSUG produced a report on the employment situation for Computer Engineers in Galicia, in association with the Galician Professional Association of Computer Engineering (CPEIG), the Galician Professional Association of Technical Computer Engineering (CPETIG), and the Galician Observatory on the Information Society and Modernization.
The primary objective of this report is to provide knowledge of the current professional situation for computer engineers and technical computer engineers from the SUG, providing relevant and useful information for all of the interest groups involved: universities, professionals in the sector, computer engineering associations, businesses, and society in general.