In 2001 the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) began a general monitoring project focused on integration of graduates from the Galician University System (SUG) into the labor market. The project began with a follow-up study of university graduates who had completed their degrees during the 1996-1997 and 2000-2001 academic years (ACSUG 2004). Subsequent studies corresponding to 2-year periods were performed for graduates from the 2001-2003 (ACSUG 2006) and 2003-2005 (ACSUG 2008) academic years, with an annual periodicity finally being established from the year 2008 to the present.
The purpose of these studies has been to provide support for university schools and departments by providing results that, by their nature, contribute to the design of strategies for reviewing and improving the quality of the university's academic programs, as well as to minimizing the distance between teaching objectives and the graduates' needs related to their professions and employability. As considered in the "Protocol for Monitoring and Renewal of Accreditation for Official University Degrees", a document produced by the University Committee for Regulation of Monitoring and Accreditation (CURSA), labor market insertion indicators are a type of information that must be provided for monitoring of university degree programs.
In 2013 a new project was initiated, focused on labor market insertion studies for SUG master's degree graduates. The information collected on the official master's degree graduates will complement the data available for incorporation into the labor market of all of the graduates from the Galician University System's undergraduate and master's degree programs.