• Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System

Mission, Vision and Values


The basic mission of the ACSUG is to promote and oversee guaranteeing the quality of the Galician University System (GUS), focusing on its continuous improvement and transferring relevant information to society at large about the activities carried out and their results, ensuring that the GUS is constantly adapted to the social and economic situation at any given moment.


The ACSUG seeks to be an agency of demonstrated quality and efficiency and to be recognised as such at both national and international level, in the sphere of university quality assurance, carrying out its work according to the principles of independence, objectivity and transparency, based on national and international standards for higher education quality assurance.


The ACSUG has a Code of Ethics, approved by its Board of Governors, which details its principles and its operational methods, and which reinforces the Agency’s commitment towards continuous improvement, transparency and excellence in its performance, as well as the effective, efficient completion of its activities. The main values detailed in the Code of Ethics are:

  • Independence.

To act as an organisation that freely implements technical and organisational decisions that strictly comply with its criteria of neutrality and independence.

  • Continuous improvement.

To implement self-evaluation and external evaluation processes that help to identify the weaknesses of the institution, and the processes implemented to eliminate them.

  • Responsibility.

To take into account conditions of environmental sustainability, social improvement and supporting the development of quality of life in all of the actions the Agency carries out, both in Spain and at international level.

  • Professionalism.

To guarantee the quality and professionalism of its staff, so that tasks requiring specialised work are entrusted to suitably qualified personnel.

  • Accessibility.

To undertake all evaluation and accreditation procedures with the maximum transparency, ensuring that these procedures are visible in all of their different stages to the institutions or personnel they affect. This accessibility also covers the permanent channels of information for persons affected by the Agency’s activities.

  • Cooperation with international agencies and networks.

The institutional policy of the ACSUG will be constantly oriented towards collaborating with other agencies. The working methods of the ACSUG must be characterised by being constantly open to cooperating and working with agencies and institutions with similar goals and characteristics.