- To request the bonus, interested persons must electronically fill in the application form and the list of merits, using the forms available in the computer application (annexes III and IV), which can be found at the website www.acsug.es. Any merits that are not submitted electronically will not be evaluated.
- Once the forms (annexes III and IV) have been electronically filled in, they must be saved and then submitted at the locations indicated in section 4, duly signed.
- The documentation listed below must also be submitted along with the forms indicated in the previous section (annexes III and IV), unless this documentation has been submitted electronically through the computer platform:
- A copy of the National ID Document (DNI in Spanish) or equivalent, in cases where its viewing in the identity data verification system has been expressly denied to the ACSUG, according to the provisions found in Decree 255/2008 of 23 October (Official Gazette of Galicia of 13 November).
- Documentation verifying the cited curricular merits submitted. Certifications related to 5-year and 6-year reviews only need to be submitted in cases where their viewing is expressly denied to the ACSUG.
- If applicable, documentation verifying permission for maternal leave during the period being evaluated.
- Full curriculum vitae, up-to-date and in any of the existing formats (National Agency for Evaluation and Advancement (ANEP in Spanish), General Office of R+D, etc.).
- Any other documents the applicant considers to be relevant.
- Submittal of annexes III and IV, and the complementary documentation indicated in section 3 if applicable, must be performed at the web portal of the government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia): https://sede.xunta.gal. Applications may be submitted using any of the identification and signature mechanisms admitted by the government of Galicia’s web portal, including the Chave 365 username and password system (https://sede.xunta.gal/chave365).
If you have any questions or technical difficulties, or if you need any further information during the process of obtaining the forms at the web portal, you can call the information phone number 012.