
Reunión Universidades SUG-ACSUG


El 20 de octubre de 2022 se celebró en ACSUG una reunión de coordinación en la que participaron las personas responsables de las áreas de calidad y vicerrectorados con competencias en gestión da calidad de centros y títulos de las cuatro Universidades del SUG (UDC, USC, UVIGO y UIE). El objetivo de la jornada fue presentar la planificación y plazos para las evaluaciones de títulos y centros para el curso 2022-2023, la adaptación de los procedimientos de evaluación a los decretos 640/2021 y 822/2021, así como la casuística da formación permanente en las universidades. En la reunión también se trataron otros asuntos de interés detectados en las evaluaciones del curso 2021-202.


Presentación de los resultados de inserción laboral de los egresados de las tres universidades gallegas


Como viene haciendo la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Galicia, con una periodicidad anual desde el año 2005, hoy se presentaron a los medios de comunicación los resultados de la inserción laboral de los graduados universitarios del curso 2014-2015. Fueron 9.155 los graduados al finalizar ese curso, de los que se dió a conocer cuántos y cómo consiguieron su primer empleo, cuál es su salario y su tipo de contrato, en qué lugar están trabajando y en qué trabajan, si está o no relacionado con su titulación, etc.

El acto de presentación contó con la presencia de la presidenta de la ACSUG, Patrocinio Morrondo, del director de la misma, Eduardo López Pereira, así como del secretario general de universidades, José Alberto Díez de Castro, para explicar estos y otros muchos datos, de sumo interés para las universidades, la administración y, especialmente, para los estudiantes que se van a incorporar a sus estudios universtarios, así como para sus familias, a la hora de elegir aquella carrera que mejor le convenga.

El acto tuvo lugar en la nueva sede de la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Galicia, en el edifico Fontán, en la Cidade da Cultura.

ACSUG celebrates 21 years since its creation and inagurates its new headquarters


The government decree that established the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) was published on 12 March 2001, thereby creating Spain’s second university quality assurance agency. In 2009, the ACSUG was recognised as a member of the ENQA, which was an essential condition that allowed it to perform verification and accreditation for university degree programmes.

The restrictions caused by COVID-19 prevented celebration of the agency’s 20th anniversary last year. However, postponing that event allowed it to be combined this year with another milestone: inauguration of the ACSUG’s new headquarters at the City of Culture in Santiago de Compostela.

The ACSUG’s hard work and efforts during all those years have not been in vain, because Galicia’s universities and regional government have developed full confidence in the agency. The evaluation authorisations and requests received by the ACSUG now cover not only the ones required by law, but many other types as well, such as those related to R&D and innovation, predoctoral and postdoctoral grants and fellowships, and many others. These requests are being received not just from Galicia’s Ministry of Education, but also from its Ministry of the Economy through the Galician Agency for Innovation, and from its Ministry of the Presidency.

On the day of the event commemorating those 21 years of existence, which was held at the agency’s new headquarters in the Fontán Building, all of us working at the ACSUG were able to feel great satisfaction from the attendance of so many representatives of the local communities, political institutions, and universities. Clearly the agency’s efforts and commitment to the Galician university system have been worthwhile, as we now look forward to another 20 years of continual improvement.

We would like to thank everyone for their show of support on this very memorable occasion.  



Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System celebrates its 21st anniversary


The event celebrating the 21st anniversary of the ACSUG’s creation, plus inauguration of its new headquarters, will be presided over by the Galician Minister of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities

Román Rodríguez González

and held in the Fontán Building auditorium, on 19 July 2022 at 10.00 a.m.

Inaugural conference:

“The challenge of designing, monitoring, and assessing the results of university degree programmes”

Prof. Gregorio Rodríguez Gómez. Universidad de Cádiz

Ordinary call for applications to obtain pre-hiring evaluation of teaching staff, for universities from the Galician University System (SUG)


On 22 June 2022, a Resolution issued by the President of the ACSUG on 9 June 2022is being published in the Official Journal of Galicia, approving the ordinary call for applications to obtain pre-hiring evaluations of teaching staff for universities from the Galician University System. This will initiate the time period for submission of the corresponding applications.

Access to the online system used to fill in the application..

Payment of administrative fees for submitting the application..


Deadline: 21 July 2022

Change of address notice


On 6 May 2022, the ACSUG will be moving to its new headquarters. On that day it will not be possible to contact the ACSUG by telephone. If you need to contact us, please use email instead.

Beginning on 9 May 2022, the main office of the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System will be located at the following address:

Consorcio Axencia para a Calidade do Sistema Universitario de Galicia
Cidade da Cultura de Galicia, Monte Gaiás, s/n
Edificio Fontán, 2º piso
15707 Santiago de Compostela

The official email addresses and telephone numbers will remain the same.

Best regards,

José Eduardo López Pereira

Director of the ACSUG

Edificio Fontán

2021 ordinary call for applications for salary bonuses recognising curricular excellence


On 22 March 2022, the Resolution of 11 March 2022is being published in the Official Journal of Galicia, approving the ordinary call for applications for pre-assignment evaluations for salary bonuses recognising curricular excellence. This will initiate the time period for submission of applications corresponding to the 2021 call for applications (administrative procedure code ED701A).

Guide for Applicants

The time period for submitting applications will run from 23 March through 21 April (included).

The online system used to fill in the application and annexes will be AVAILABLE beginning on 23 March.


In accordance with the contents of the call for applications, the application (annex III) must be filled in electronically, using the form available through the ACSUG’s online system. In conformity with section 14.2 of Spanish Law 39/2015 of 1 October, on Common Administrative Procedures for the Public Sector, the applications (using a pdf file that has first been generated using the ACSUG’s online system) can only be submitted through the Galician government’s online portal:


If during the process for obtaining the forms at the online portal you have any questions or technical difficulties, or need any further information, you can call the information telephone number (012) or send an email to



On 7 March, a workshop was held at the ACSUG’s headquarters, regarding the evaluation process for research groups applying for the grants announced each year by the Galician Ministry of Culture, Education and Universities through the Galician Secretariat-General of Universities. This event featured participation by 22 experts, some with up to 10 years of experience serving on evaluation committees for processes of this type.

The workshop lasted for the entire first half of the day. It included an analysis of ways to consolidate and structure the units that compete each year to obtain one of the grants awarded for carrying out their research projects. The purpose of this event, led by experts from the Galician Ministry of Culture, Education and Universities and the Galician Agency for Innovation (GAIN), was to develop a set of working tools for defining and promoting the programme, and for implementing mechanisms for reflection and analysis that could help improve it. First, however, analysis and diagnosis was performed on the research, development, and innovation (R&D+i) system that the Galician government has been developing during the last few years.


Meeting between SUG universities and the ACSUG


On 20 December, a workshop was held at the ACSUG with participation by the four universities belonging to the Galician University System (UDC, USC, UVIGO, and UIE). Representatives from their quality assurance areas were in attendance, along with vice-rectors with quality management authorities for their departments and degree programmes. The purpose of the workshop was to present the planning and scheduling for evaluations of degree programmes and departments during the 2021-2022 academic year. The event was also an opportunity to discuss the publication of Spanish Royal Decree 822/2021 in September 2021, which establishes the organisation for university teaching and quality assurance procedures. Other topics of interest that had arisen during the 2020-2021 academic year were also discussed at the meeting, including those related to the processes for verification and accreditation of degree programmes.

Publication in the Official Journal of Galicia of the protocol for resolving claims and appeals lodged with the ACSUG


On 15 February 2022, the Resolution of 4 February 2022is being published in the Official Journal of Galicia, which orders publication of the Agreement of the Galician Committee for Reports, Assessment, Certification and Accreditation (CGIACA), dated 17 December 2021. That agreement approved the protocol that defines the resolution procedure for claims and appeals lodged with the ACSUG, within the scope of the agency’s duties on reporting, assessment, certification, and accreditation.

Participation in the ECALFOR project


In March 2021, the ACSUG signed a partnership agreement to collaborate on the project entitled Evaluation of teaching staff training in Latin America and the Caribbean: Quality assurance for degrees in education (ECALFOR). This project is part of the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, and it features participation by an international consortium of 19 institutions from 9 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe. Its coordinator is Dr Oswaldo Lorenzo Quiles, and it is led by a group of professors from the Department of Educational and Sports Sciences at the Melilla campus of the University of Granada. This project, which will be completed in 2024, is also benefitting from active participation by three experts from the ACSUG, as well as by that agency’s director, J. Eduardo López Pereira..

During the project’s first phase between February and July 2021, the ACSUG’s collaboration was focused on two tasks:

  • Comparative evaluation of quality assurance systems at Latin American and Caribbean institutions
  • Comparative evaluation of qualifications for teaching staff in Latin American and Europe

The project’s second phase began in September 2021, with implementation of Work Package 2. In this phase, the ACSUG is participating in the following tasks:

  • Adaptation of protocols for creating and implementing quality assurance units
  • Creation of massive open online courses (MOOCs) for training: publication of video tutorials for educating the participants about how to develop and implement quality assurance units

More information about the ECALFOR project can be found at this link:

2021 bonus for recognition of administrative positions


On 14 February 2022, the Resolution of 1 February 2022 is being published in the Official Journal of Galicia, approving the ordinary call for applications for pre-assignment evaluations for salary bonuses recognising administrative positions This will initiate the time period allowed for submission of applications corresponding to the 2021 call for applications (administrative procedure code ED701C).

The time period for submitting applications will run from 15 February through 14 March (included).

The online system used to fill in the applicationand annexes will be AVAILABLE beginning on 15 February.


In accordance with the contents of the call for applications, the application (annex II) must be filled in electronically, using the form available through the ACSUG’s online system. In conformity with section 14.2 of Spanish Law 39/2015 of 1 October, on Common Administrative Procedures for the Public Sector, the applications can only be submitted through the Galician government’s online portal: (using>


If during the process for obtaining the forms at the online portal you have any questions or technical difficulties, or need any further information, you can call the information telephone number (012) or send an email to

Participation by ACSUG in the Seminar entitled “Approaches and experiences for design and evaluation of learning results for university degree programmes”


On 4 February 2022, the ACSUG participated in the Seminar entitled: “Approaches and experiences for design and evaluation of learning results for university degree programmes”, as part of the FLOASS Project.

The Seminar was structured as three roundtable discussions. This allowed the main results to be presented regarding the perceptions and experiences of teaching staff and students from the participating universities, in relation to evaluation of learning results.

This Seminar was also an opportunity to discuss the relationships among competencies, learning results, and means of evaluation when designing and monitoring master’s degree programmes.

Training workshop for degree programme evaluators


On 10 February 2022, a Training Workshop was held for members of the Evaluation Committees for the official bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees offered by the Galician University System. The workshop was presented in a mixed (in-person/virtual) format, with attendance by a total of 62 evaluators. These included academic, professional, and student members of the committees involved in the processes of verification, modification, monitoring, and accreditation.

After a brief introduction, a presentation was made on the evaluation criteria for the various procedures, and the workshop was completed with a roundtable discussion on the most significant changes arising from entry into force of Spanish Royal Decree 822/2021 which establishes the new system of organisation for university teaching.

Complemento de reconocimiento a la labor docente, y al complemento de reconocimiento a la labor investigadora


Hoy 9 de febrero de 2022, se publica en el DOG la Resolución de 26 de enero de 2022 por la que se aprueba la convocatoria ordinaria para la evaluación previa a la asignación de las retribuciones adicionales relativas al complemento de reconocimiento a la labor docente, y al complemento de reconocimiento a la labor investigadora y se abre el plazo para la presentación de solicitudes correspondiente a la convocatoria del 2021 (Código de procedimiento administrativo ED701B).

El plazo de presentación de solicitudes será desde el día 10 de febrero hasta el día 9 de marzo incluídos.

La aplicación para cumplimentar la solicitud y anexos estará ABIERTA desde el 10 de Febrero


De acuerdo con lo establecido en la convocatoria, se deberá cubrir telemáticamente la solicitud (anexo I ) y las memorias de autoevaluación (anexos II.A y II.B ) en los modelos disponibles a través de la aplicación informática de la ACSUG. Conforme a lo dispuesto en el artículo 14.2 de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de Octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas, la presentación de solicitudes (PDF generado previamente en la aplicación de la ACSUG) deberá realizarse obligatoriamente a través de la sede electrónica de la Xunta:


En caso de duda, dificultades técnicas o necesidad de más información durante el proceso de obtención de los formularios en la sede electrónica, se podrán dirigir al teléfono de información 012 o al correo electrónico

Director of the ANECA makes a visit to the ACSUG


Mercedes Siles, director of Spain’s National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), made a visit to the ACSUG’s headquarters on 25 January. The purpose of her visit was to exchange various viewpoints and opinions with Eduardo López Pereira, director of the ACSUG, following publication of Spanish Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September.

The regulations from that Royal Decree have significantly altered the procedures and methods used to evaluate university degree programmes, with respect to verification as well as accreditation. Because of this, the various Spanish university quality assurance agencies have spent months working to establish new evaluation processes.

During their meeting, special emphasis was placed on the Docentia programme for evaluating university teaching staff. The ACSUG has always been involved with that programme, ever since it began in 2007 with an agreement between the two agencies for mutual cooperation on its development. The three Galician universities are also participating in that programme’s development, although with differing levels of involvement. This is a programme that could have immediate consequences if a six-year assessment period is established for university teaching staff as proposed by the ANECA.

Publication of REACU protocols for evaluating official degree programmes


The Spanish Network of University Quality Assurance Agencies (REACU) is publishing the general quality assurance protocols (basic standards and general guidelines) for verification and modification of the curricula for official degree programmes. This is being done in response to new regulations that came into force in 2021: Spanish Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September, which establishes the organisation of university teaching and quality assurance procedures, and Spanish Royal Decree 640/2021 of 27 July, on creation, recognition, and authorisation of universities and their departments, and institutional accreditation for university departments.

Based on those published protocols, and in conformity with them, the ACSUG will be developing its own evaluation guidelines.

REACU has also published an informational bulletin, which presents the catalogue of protocols already produced and those with their production pending:

Meeting of the ACSUG Advisory Board


The Advisory Board is the main ACSUG consultative body. At least once a year a meeting of the board is organised, with the aim of analysing the agency activities and proposing actions and changes to increase the continuous improvement.

Considering the COVID-19 situation, on 17 December 2021, a meeting of the body was held in a mixed way (in person-online). At the beginning of the meeting, the ACSUG director explained the 2021 activities of the agency, carried out still considering the special circumstances due to the pandemic. The revision and analysis of the updated ACSUG Code of Ethics was also another topic discussed.