The government decree that established the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) was published on 12 March 2001, thereby creating Spain’s second university quality assurance agency. In 2009, the ACSUG was recognised as a member of the ENQA, which was an essential condition that allowed it to perform verification and accreditation for university degree programmes.
The restrictions caused by COVID-19 prevented celebration of the agency’s 20th anniversary last year. However, postponing that event allowed it to be combined this year with another milestone: inauguration of the ACSUG’s new headquarters at the City of Culture in Santiago de Compostela.
The ACSUG’s hard work and efforts during all those years have not been in vain, because Galicia’s universities and regional government have developed full confidence in the agency. The evaluation authorisations and requests received by the ACSUG now cover not only the ones required by law, but many other types as well, such as those related to R&D and innovation, predoctoral and postdoctoral grants and fellowships, and many others. These requests are being received not just from Galicia’s Ministry of Education, but also from its Ministry of the Economy through the Galician Agency for Innovation, and from its Ministry of the Presidency.
On the day of the event commemorating those 21 years of existence, which was held at the agency’s new headquarters in the Fontán Building, all of us working at the ACSUG were able to feel great satisfaction from the attendance of so many representatives of the local communities, political institutions, and universities. Clearly the agency’s efforts and commitment to the Galician university system have been worthwhile, as we now look forward to another 20 years of continual improvement.
We would like to thank everyone for their show of support on this very memorable occasion.