
Ordinary meeting of the ACSUG Governing Council


Yesterday, ACSUG held the second annual meeting of the Governing Council (Consello Reitor), as required in the provisions, in which various points related to the activities carried out during 2018 were discussed and the activities to be carried out in 2019 were analysed.

For the first time, the Autonomous Community Minister of Education, Universities and Vocational Training (Conselleira de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional), Dra. Carmen Pomar Tojo attended the meeting with the general secretary of universities, and the rectors of the three universities, the vice-rector of the USC and the vice-rector of the UDC, the general secretary of the UVigo, the heads of teaching quality in their universities and the president of the Social Council of the Uvigo. In addition to the academic authorities of the three universities, representatives of the Autonomous Government Ministry of Tax and the Economy (Consellería de Facenda y de Economía) were present, as well as representatives of the teaching staff and students.

At the meeting, the activities carried out by ACSUG in the current year 2018 were reviewed and those to be carried out in 2019 were presented and approved. The director of ACSUG reported on various agreements signed with universities in Mexico, Peru and the Dominican Republic to evaluate several universities in those countries. After the presentation and approval of the internal management system of ACSUG in 2018, the draft budget for the year 2019 was also approved


ECA autumn seminar 2018


The 2018 Autumn Seminar of the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA) was celebrated between the 29 and 30 November 2018 in Prague (Czech Republic). A representative of ACSUG, agency member of ECA since 2003, took part in the general seminar of the organization and in the meetings of the working group about mutual recognition and joint programs and working group about Innovation in QA and Accreditation.


FIDES-AUDIT programme. Certification phase of the implementation of Quality-Assurance Systems


The call for applications for centres to participate in the Certification Process of the Quality-Assurance Systems Implementation has been published.

The term for submitting applications begins on 18/12/2018 and ends on 21/01/2019.

Any universities interested must complete the participation application.

The director of the Aragon Agency for Quality Assesment and Accreditation (ACPUA) visited ACSUG


On 30 October 2018, the Director of ACPUA, Antonio Serrano, visited ACSUG to explain its agency experience regarding the external evaluation by ENQA, based on the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) of 2015.

During the meeting, Antonio Serrano commented with the Director and ACSUG staff critical issues of the evaluation process, as well as examples of evidences and requirements established in the ESG.

The ACSUG, full member of ENQA since 2009, is currently in the middle of a new international evaluation process, after five years since the last ENQA external evaluation (2014). Therefore, all the knowledge acquired during the meeting is extremely useful in the development of the assessment process.

ACSUG takes part in various training workshops at ISFODOSU (Santo Domingo)


In compliance with the collaboration agreement signed with the Salomé Ureña Higher Institute for Teacher Training (ISFODOSU), ACSUG took part, from 6 to 8 November, in various training workshops on the design and implementation of a Quality Guarantee System. Agency director José Eduardo López Pereira was invited to give a speech on Research as a quality factor in Spanish universities in conjunction with the launch of the web portal of the Caribbean Educational Research Journal (CERJ), dedicated to the publication of academic articles on teacher training, syllabus design, educational diagnostics, national and international educational policies, effective teaching and learning processes in environments of vulnerability.

During this visit to Santo Domingo, the ACSUG director signed a new collaboration agreement with the Federico Henríquez y Carvajal University (UFHEC) for support in the quality improvement processes.



​ International Acreditation process in the Anáhuac-Cancún University (UAC) in México


The External Evaluation Committee, appointed by ACSUG, visited the UAC the 29, 30 and 31 October 2018. Four Bachelor degrees were assessed:

  • Bachelor degree in Business Administration

  • Bachelor degree in Finances and Public Accounts

  • Bachelor degree in Marketing

  • Bachelor degree in International Business

UIMP Seminar “Employability and job placement for university graduates”


On 29 and 30 October, the seminar “Employability and job placement for university graduates” took place at the Club Financiero Atlántico in A Coruña. The seminar was organised by UIMP and run by ACSUG.


Institutional Accreditation: 24 SUG centres receive a favourable report from ACSUG


The institutional accreditation process for centres, regulated by Royal Decree 420/2015, is an alternative to the official university degree accreditation model.

The Institutional Accreditation Evaluation Commission (CAI) verified, at the meeting held on 18 October 2018, that 24 SUG centres comply with the requirements established in the Resolution of 7 March 2018, of the General Secretariat for Universities, for obtaining institutional accreditation.

Obtaining accreditation enables the centre to renew accreditation automatically for all their degree programmes for a period of five years.

Meeting of the General Assembly of the REACU at ACSUG headquarters


The consortium Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG in Spanish), as head of the technical secretariat of the Spanish Network of University Quality Agencies (REACU) convened a meeting of the REACU General Assembly on Wednesday, 24 October, at  ACSUG headquarters.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the quality agencies of Catalonia, Castile-Leon, Andalusia, Basque Country, Madrid, Valencia, Aragón, Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, de ANECA and ACSUG. The General Secretary of Universities Mr José Manuel Pingarrón also took part as a guest.

The following main points were covered:

  • REACU’s posture with regard to the processes of ensuring quality in the Spanish University System and reforming the official university education planning announced by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
  • Development of the institutional accreditation procedure for university centres.
  • Development of the institutional follow-up procedure for university centres.
  • Proposals for the evaluation processes for renewing degree accreditation after renewing initial accreditation (second and third rounds).
  • Development of the accreditation renewal procedure for PhD programmes.
  • Discussion and approval, if applicable, of the Proposals document for possible topics for drafting joint reports that comply with criterion 3.4 of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education “Thematic Analysis”.
  • Assessment of the all-encompassing integration of occupational risk prevention in syllabuses in the area of accreditation and verification of university degrees.
  • DEVA-AAC report on the appeals lodged by the Andalusian Universities against the unfavourable verification reports.


Publication of the 2017 University Quality Report


As they do every year, ANECA and Spain’s regional quality agencies are publishing their Report on the Status of External Quality Evaluation at Spanish Universities for 2017.

The report being presented here, which has been produced on an annual basis since 2006, helps fulfil the mission of providing ongoing reporting, to the Ministry responsible for universities and various other stakeholders in the community, regarding development and implementation of the processes for evaluation, certification, and accreditation carried out in Spain in the area of university education.

ACSUG takes part in the seminar for agencies regarding the ENQA external evaluation, in Riga (Latvia)


The ACSUG has participated on 27 and 28 September 2018 in a seminar organised by ENQA in Riga (Latvia). The main topic of the event was the management of all the arrangements related with the cyclical external evaluations (5 years cycle) that the university quality assurance agencies have to carry out to check their fulfilment with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area”.

The participating agencies could interchange experiences and increase the knowledge with regards the critical issues of the international evaluation process: the self-assessment stage, preparation of the site visit, improvement actions, etc.

The ACSUG, full member of ENQA since 2009, is currently in the middle of a new international evaluation process after five years since the last ENQA external evaluation. Therefore, all the knowledge acquired during the seminar is extremely useful in the development of the assessment process.

Employability and job placement seminar for university graduates


ACSUG collaborates and takes part in the Employability and job placement for university graduates seminar

Results for SUG overall: “Labor market insertion of Galician University System graduates 2013-2014 (EIL1314)” by Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System.


On Monday 17th Setember, Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) had presented the results for SUG overall of “Labor market insertion of Galician University System graduates 2013-2014 (EIL1314)”. This presentation was made by General Secretary of Universities, D. José Alberto Díez de Castro, president of the ACSUG board of Directors, D.ª María Patrocinio Morrondo Pelayo and ACSUG executive director, D. José Eduardo López Pereira.

This summary compiles the results obtained from the twelve survey given to graduates of the Galician University System, performed in July 2017. The study population consists of SUG graduates during the 2013-2014 academic year (diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, engineering and architecture degrees, and technical engineering and architecture degrees), and degrees.

Sample represents 61.07% of the total population of graduates.

University Population Sample
Universidade da Coruña 2.512 1.536
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 3.396 1.918
Universidade de Vigo 2.495 1.678
SUG 8.403 5.132


For each qualification and campus (sub-population) a random sample was selected, determining the sample size by estimation of the proportion (with maximum variance) and setting a maximum permissible error rate of 10%, with a confidence level of 95%.

The results obtained in this study provide information of the aspects related to the transition of higher education to the labor market: university training, internships and jobs during the degree earned, mobility, knowledge of languages, access to employment, employment search routes, current situation, time spent finding work, type of contract and assessment of competencies required in employment.

The main conclusions from these results are:


For 75.02% of graduates during the 2013-2014 academic year, the degree obtained had been their first choice.
58.40% of graduates benefited from scholarships during their studies. Of them, more than half, maintained this for three or more academic years. In 98.44% of cases the scholarship came from a Spanish public institution.
50.42% of graduates during the 2013-2014 academic year had at the time of the survey completed another university degree, apart from the degree for which they were surveyed.
A total of 30.64% of the graduates completed internships at companies/institutions during their studies that were not included in their curriculum.
Among those surveyed, 40.42% worked while completing their studies, although in just 31.40% of the cases it was a full-time job. Of the graduates who worked during their studies, 59.00% of them indicated that the work was unrelated to their degree.
19.17% of graduates during the 2013-2014 academic year participated in a mobility program during their time at the university, mainly in the Erasmus program, with 75.42%. In 83.21% of cases the destination was a university elsewhere in the European Union.
95.74% of graduates during the 2013-2014 academic year knew a language other than the oficial languages of the SUG (Galician and Spanish). Of them, 48.34% reported knowing only one additional language.


73.92% of graduates sought employment related to their degree after completion of their studies. Of them, 72.29% found it.
The average time taken for graduates to find their first job after their degree was 10.42 months.
Job search routes most commonly used by graduates during the 2013-2014 academic year were the internet, with a 3.99, self-promotion, with 3.87, and through personal contacts, family or friends, with 3.03. More than half of the graduates, 55.42%, found their first employment by one of these three methods.


17.65% of graduates during the 2013-2014 academic year were continuing with their studies at the time of the survey.
25.18% of graduates during the 2013-2014 academic year were preparing for competitive examinations at the time of the survey.
79.59% of graduates during the 2013-2014 academic year were working at the time of the survey.


The majority of the graduates, 80.11%, were working in Galicia. 17.01% were working in another autonomous community and only 2.88% worked outside of Spain.
Of the graduates who were working at the time of the survey, 90.31% were working as employees.
The average salary of a graduate during the 2013-2014 academic year was €1,231.02 per month.
79.38% of graduates who worked were carrying out university-level functions in their work. Of them, 84.45% were carrying out functions specific to their degree.
The five skills most valued by graduates during the 2013-2014 academic year were learning capacity, with 4.55, motivation, with 4.52, problem solving skills, with 4.49, oral/written communication skills, with 4.39, and adaptability, with 4.40.


92.43% of graduates would pursue university studies again. Of them, 80.76% would choose the same degree, of which 88.49% would repeat their studies at the same university. This means that 66.05% of total graduates from the SUG during the 2013-2014 academic year would repeat exactly the same academic route, i.e., they would pursue the same degree again at the same university.



ACSUG has renewed the certifications of its Quality and Environmental Assurance Management System according the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and EMAS regulation.


The company AENOR has carried out in 2018 the external renewal audit of the ACSUG management system.As a result, ACSUG has achieved the renewal until 2021 of the certifications in the standards norma ISO 9001:2015, norma ISO 14001:2015 and the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). As AENOR is a member of the IQNet, subsequently the certifications achieved by ACSUG have an international recognition.

Presentation of the Summary: “Labor market insertion of Galician University System Graduates 2013-2014”. On Monday 17th Setember at 11:30 hours in the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System.


On Monday 17th Setember at 11:30 hours in the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) will be presented the Summary of “Labor market insertion of Galician University System Graduates 2013-2014”. This presentation will be made by General Secretary of Universities, D. José Alberto Díez de Castro, president of the ACSUG board of Directors, D.ª María Patrocinio Morrondo Pelayo and ACSUG executive director, D. José Eduardo López Pereira.

This survey is framed within the labor market studies of the Galician University System (SUG) graduates, which are carried out regularly by ACSUG since 2001. The main objectives of this study are collection of information on the graduates’ perceptions on their education and their university; and collection of information on their search for employment and their current situation in the workplace.

This summary compiles the results obtained from the twelve survey given to graduates of the Galician University System, performed in July 2017. The study population consists of SUG graduates during the 2013-2014 academic year (diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, engineering and architecture degrees, and technical engineering and architecture degrees), and degrees.

The results obtained in this study provide information of the aspects related to the transition of higher education to the labor market: university training, internships and jobs during the degree earned, mobility, knowledge of languages, access to employment, employment search routes, current situation, time spent finding work, type of contract and assessment of competencies required in employment.

Ordinary Call for Requests for a pre-hiring evaluation of teaching staff for universities in the Galician University System


On 12 September 2018, the Resolution of 3 September 2018 is being published in the Official Gazette of Galicia. This resolution has been issued by the Chair of the ACSUG, and it approves the Ordinary Call for Requests to obtain a pre-hiring evaluation for teaching staff, for universities in the Galician University System, while also opening the time period for submittal of those requests.

Access to the web page used to fill in the request form.

Payment of administrative fees for submittal of the request form.


Call for Requests Opens for Institutional Accreditation of University Schools and Departments


On 17 July, the ACSUG’s Procedure for Institutional Accreditation of University Schools and Departments was approved by the CGIECA. Use of this new procedure means that schools and departments that meet the requirements established in the Resolution of 7 March 2018 will be able to apply for institutional accreditation, which would allow them to simplify the renewal process for their degree programmes, since schools and departments that are able to obtain this institutional accreditation will benefit from automatic renewal of the accreditation for all of their official bachelor’s degree and master’s degree programmes, without being subject to the conventional procedures established under Royal Decree 1393/2007.

More information here

ACSUG delivers accreditation certificates for Law and Communication degrees at Anáhuac Xalapa University


On 24 May, the Vice-Chancellor of Anáhuac Xalapa University, Dr Luis Linares Romeu, and the Academic Director, Min. Elí Ricardo Marín Illescas, were received at the headquarters of the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) by its director, Dr J. Eduardo López Pereira, and the chairman of the Galician Reports, Evaluation, Certification and Accreditation Commission (CGIACA), Dr Miguel Santos Rego. After a few words from the ACSUG director and a speech by the Vice-Chancellor, the CGIACA chairman handed over the accreditation certificates for the Law and Communication degrees.

The event was attended by members of the two commissions that travelled, in October 2016 and October 2017, to Xalapa, Mexico, to verify onsite, in accordance with the European accreditation standards, the quality of several of the degree programmes offered at the University.

ACSUG then paid their respects to the illustrious representatives of Anáhuac Xalapa University with a fellowship meal, attended by members of the two accreditation commissions and the General Secretary for Universities, Dr José Alberto Díez de Castro.

With the accreditation of these two degree programmes, the University now has six bachelor's degree programmes certified by ACSUG: Business Management and Administration, Finances in Public Accounting, Marketing, International Business, Law and Communication. Work is currently underway for the accreditation of an additional five degree programmes at Anáhuac Cancún, which will be visited by two new commissions at the end of this year.





ACSUG is participating in the DEQAR and IMPEA European Projects


ACSUG, aware of the importance of establishing relations and contacts with other organizations, has decided taking part actively in two European projects.

The first of them is the DEQAR project. This project, partially financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, and coordinated by the EQAR (European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education), has the main aim of developing a database which contains the evaluation reports of the activities carried out by the European quality assurance agencies in the higher education field. The schedule of the project is from November 2017 to October 2019.

The second is the ImpEA project.The main objective is focusing in the implementation of methodologies and tools to increase the recognition and the establishment of joint degrees in the higher education. The project, also funding with the Erasmus+ program, has being developed from October 2017 until September 2020.

Presentation of the fourth survey’s summary “Labor market insertion study of Galician University System Master’s Graduates 2012-2013” by ACSUG.


On Thrusday 26th April, the consortium Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) had presented the summary of the “Labor market insertion study of Galician University System Master’s Graduates 2012-2013 (EILMasteres1213)”. This is the fourth survey about this topic.In this report, we are presenting the results obtained in the fourth survey of university graduates from the 2012-2013 academic year of the officially recognised Master’s Degrees, conducted in February and March 2016, approximately three years after completing their Master’s Degree. The sample in this study was of 1,723 people from a total population of 2,432, representing 70.8% of this population in the academic year 2012-2013.


This presentation was made by General Secretary of Universities, D. José Alberto Díez de Castro, president of ACSUG board of Directors, D.ª María Patrocinio Morrondo Pelayo and ACSUG executive director, D. José Eduardo López Pereira.

The presentation began with the welcome of the president of ACSUG, who highlighted the annual periodicity of these studies, placing ACSUG as the Quality Agency within the University System of Spain that has the longest time series of this type of studies. Likewise, she highlighted the importance of the results obtained that provide reliable, objective and comparable statistical data on employability and job placement in the labor market of university graduates in master's degrees, as well as the perception that graduates have about their academic training.

The president of the ACSUG board of Directors welcomed to the attendees and she talked about the importance of these surveys with an anual rate. The importance of these reports lies in the information collected and analysed in relation to two crucial stages in the life of a master’s degree graduate; their experience at university and in work. Then, the executive director of  ACSUG presented the main results obtained in this survey such as: reasons for studying the master, work previously master, workplace, salary, salary by gender, etc. He ended his presentation anayzing the trends obtained in the last four labor insertion studies.

Finally the program was closed by General Secretary of Universities, Don José Alberto Díez de Castro. He spoke the importance of these studies at the regional and national level. On the other hand, he highlighted the importance of having university studies to get employment. The higher the level studies is relationship the greater the employability. For this reason he emphasized “It’s a good investment to do a master”.

The main conclusions from these results are:

The primary reason they gave for studying the Master’s was to complement their academic education to obtain a greater specialisation in the labour market, accounting for 64.3%.
With respect to the employment status when they enrolled on the Master’s Degree, 58.2% of graduates had worked previously and 60.2% combined their job with studying for the Master’s Degree.
7.40 was the average number of months after completing the Master’s Degree before finding employment.
92.6% of graduates had worked after completing their Master’s Degree, of which 73.9% are currently in employment and 18,7% don’t work when the survey was conducted but worked before completing their Master’s Degree.
46.5% of graduates state that their current job is quite or very much related to the Master’s Degree they studied.
With respect to the geographic location of their job, the large majority of SUG Master’s graduate currently work in Galicia (86,8%) when the survey was conducted. 13.2% of graduates are working outside of the Galician region, 10.8% of these are employed in other parts of Spain and 2.4% are working abroad.
88.8% graduates are salaried employees, virtually all of them are registered with the Spanish Social Security system. Of the employed graduates, 40.1% have a permanent contract, and 46.1% have a temporary contract.
The average salary of Master’s Degree graduates is €1,251.70.
77.1% would study the same Master’s program again.

Presentation of the results about “Labor market insertion study of galician university system master’s graduates 2012-2013”


On Thursday, 26th April at 12:00 hours at ACSUG will be presented the ACSUG´s results: “Labor market insertion study of Galician University System Master’s Graduates 2012-2013”. This presentation will be made by Secretario Xeral de Universidades, president of ACSUG board of Directors and ACSUG Director.

In 2013, ACSUG (Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System) initiated a new project to analyze the employment situation of graduates who had earned official master's degrees within the Galician University System (SUG). To continue forward with this project,  ACSUG is publishing a summary of its fourth report. The current structure of university studies, organized as undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees after adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), is creating a need to understand the academic and employment situations faced by graduates who have earned an official university master's degree, and such studies can also complement the information currently existing in relation to undergraduate degrees.

In this fourth report, we will analyze the results of the fourth survey, which was given in February and March 2016 to SUG graduates who had earned official master's degrees. The objectives of this study are analogous to those of the initial project: to provide information on SUG graduates who have earned official master's degrees, while focusing on two main themes: analysis of the evaluations given by the graduates to the organizational aspects and presentation of their master's degree programs, as well as their primary motivation for pursuing a master's degree; and analysis of their experience in the workplace, both before and after completing their master's degree. Finally, the report adds a comparative analysis of the results obtained for the graduates from the 2012-2013, 2011-2012, 2010-2011 and 2009-2010 academic years.

ACSUG organises a training seminar for representatives of MESYCT, ISFODOSU and INAFOCAM in the Dominican Republic

Representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESYCT), the Salomé Ureña Higher Institute for Teacher Training (ISFODOSU) and the National Institute for Teacher Training and Preparation (INAFOCAM), in the Dominican Republic, took part in the International Training Seminar on Accreditation organised by ACSUG from 23 to 27 April.
The workshops were divided into information and training sessions on the different quality management processes. Information was first provided on the main evaluation activities conducted by ACSUG (verification, follow-up, accreditation of the quality of the degrees, quality guarantee system at centres, etc.), and then the focus switched to the methodology in the international external evaluation processes that ACSUG is undertaking. Information was also provided on the professor accreditation processes and the DOCENTIA Programme. At one of the workshops, an institutional visit was made to the University of A Coruña, presenting the centres efforts in improving the quality of their degree programmes.
The most immediate result of this visit to Galicia will be the signing of an institutional collaboration agreement between the Salomé Ureña Higher Institute for Teacher Training (ISFODOSU) and ACSUG for international consultancy and accreditation of the following degree programmes: Bachelor's Degree in Early Education, Bachelor's Degree in First-Cycle Primary Education and Bachelor’s Degree in Second-Cycle Primary Education.

During 2018, the Agency for Quality in the Galician University System (ACSUG) will hold the position of Administrative Secretary for the Spanish Network of University Quality Agencies (REACU)


The Agency for Quality in the Galician University System (ACSUG) will hold the position of Administrative Secretary for the Spanish Network of University Quality Agencies (REACU), taking over from AQU Catalunya, rwhich held that position during 2017.

In its role as the entity responsible for administrative and secretarial duties, a meeting was called for the General Assembly of the Spanish Network of University Quality Agencies, to be held on Monday, 26 February at the offices of the ACSUG.

In addition to representatives from the National Agency for Quality Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA) and from the ACSUG, that meeting was attended by representatives from the quality agencies from Catalonia, Andalusia, the Basque Country, Castile and León, Madrid,Valencia and the Balearic Islands, with the following main agenda items being addressed:

  • Discussion on possible subjects for production of joint reports that will comply with point 3.4 of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, "Thematic Analysis".
  • Discussion of the minimum criteria that double-degree programmes must meet during the accreditation process.
  • Discussion of the minimum criteria that online degrees must comply with during the verification and accreditation process.
  • Discussion of the interpretation document for profiles and personnel associated with the doctoral programme.
  • Information about the 7 February 2018 meeting of the University Committee for Regulation of Monitoring and Accreditation (CURSA in Spanish). The comments were especially focused on the proposals to amend the draft version of the Resolution which issues instructions on the procedure for institutional accreditation of departments and schools at public and private universities.


ACSUG took part in “7th Workshop of University Employment Observatories” at the University of Jaume I


ACSUG attended the “7th Workshop of University Employment Observatories”, which took place on 15th and 16th of February at the University of Jaume I.

The workshop was the meeting point for services, employment observatories, quality agencies, public organizations and other institutions related to employability of graduates. During the programme there were different activities, such as, conferences, a panel discussion and communications, where ACSUG’s executive director contributed in panel discussion “Narrowing the collaboration of public services with universities”. He talked about the value of the ACSUG’s studies of labor market insertion graduates for the Goverment, Universities, students and society in general.

ACSUG’s labor market insertion studies coordinator contributed to the presentation “Monitoring and analyzing of labor market insertion Master’s degree graduates in the Galician University System”. She spoke about ACSUG’s experience related to employability of Master’s degree graduates in the Galician University System since 2013.

2nd International Symposium on University Learning-Service


The ACSUG will be a collaborating participant at the “2nd International Symposium on University Learning-Service: Protecting the learning and social capital of the students”, which will take place on 25 May 2018

More information can be found at:


2017 Ordinary Call for Applications for bonuses to recognise excellence in teaching and research


Today, 23 January 2018, the Resolution of 29 December 2017 (Official Gazette of Galicia of 23 January 2018) is being published, which approves release of the Ordinary Call for Applications for evaluation prior to allocation of the additional compensation related to the bonus for recognition of excellence in teaching and research.

Guide for applicants.


Access to the web page used to fill in the application form and submit attachments.

The time period for submitting applications will run from 24 January 2018 through 20 February 2018, both dates inclusive.

Access to the web page used to fill in the application form and submit attachments will be made available beginning on the morning of 24 January.

IMPORTANT! In application of Article 14.2 of Spanish Act 39/2015 of 1 October, on common administrative procedures for government agencies, it is compulsory to submit applications through the online portal maintained by the regional government of Galicia:

If you have any questions or technical difficulties, or if you need more information while trying to obtain the forms from the website, you can call the information number on 012 or send an email to

2017 Ordinary Call for Applications for bonuses to recognise administrative positions


Today, 16 January 2018, the Resolution of 27 December 2017 is being published, which approves the Ordinary Call for Applications for evaluation prior to allocation of the additional compensation related to the bonus for recognition of administrative positions, while also opening the time period for submittal of those applications.


Access to the web page used to fill in the application form and submit attachments.

The time period for submitting applications will run from 17 January 2018 through 13 February 2018, both dates inclusive.

IMPORTANT!n application of Article 14.2 of Spanish Act 39/2015 of 1 October, on common administrative procedures for government agencies, it is compulsory to submit applications through the online portal maintained by the regional government of Galicia:

If you have any questions or technical difficulties, or if you need more information while trying to obtain the forms from the website, you can call the information number on 012 or send an email to

2017 Ordinary Call for Applications for bonuses recognising teaching and research work


Today, 15 January 2018, the Resolution of 14 December 2017 is being published, which approves the Ordinary Call for Applications for evaluation prior to allocation of the additional compensation related to the bonus for recognition of teaching work and the bonus for recognition of research work, while also opening the time period for submittal of those applications.

Access to the web page used to fill in the application form and submit attachments.

The time period for submitting applications will run from 16 January 2018 through 12 February 2018, both dates inclusive.

Access to the web page used to fill in the application form and submit attachments will be made available beginning on the morning of 16 January.

IMPORTANT! In application of Article 14.2 of Spanish Act 39/2015 of 1 October, on common administrative procedures for government agencies, it is compulsory to submit applications through the online portal maintained by the regional government of Galicia:

If you have any questions or technical difficulties, or if you need more information while trying to obtain the forms from the website, you can call the information number on 012 or send an email to

Notice of Calls


According to the DOG, the ordinary calls for applications for compensation bonuses, corresponding to 2017, will be published in mid-January 2018.