On Thrusday 26th April, the consortium Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) had presented the summary of the “Labor market insertion study of Galician University System Master’s Graduates 2012-2013 (EILMasteres1213)”. This is the fourth survey about this topic.In this report, we are presenting the results obtained in the fourth survey of university graduates from the 2012-2013 academic year of the officially recognised Master’s Degrees, conducted in February and March 2016, approximately three years after completing their Master’s Degree. The sample in this study was of 1,723 people from a total population of 2,432, representing 70.8% of this population in the academic year 2012-2013.

This presentation was made by General Secretary of Universities, D. José Alberto Díez de Castro, president of ACSUG board of Directors, D.ª María Patrocinio Morrondo Pelayo and ACSUG executive director, D. José Eduardo López Pereira.
The presentation began with the welcome of the president of ACSUG, who highlighted the annual periodicity of these studies, placing ACSUG as the Quality Agency within the University System of Spain that has the longest time series of this type of studies. Likewise, she highlighted the importance of the results obtained that provide reliable, objective and comparable statistical data on employability and job placement in the labor market of university graduates in master's degrees, as well as the perception that graduates have about their academic training.
The president of the ACSUG board of Directors welcomed to the attendees and she talked about the importance of these surveys with an anual rate. The importance of these reports lies in the information collected and analysed in relation to two crucial stages in the life of a master’s degree graduate; their experience at university and in work. Then, the executive director of ACSUG presented the main results obtained in this survey such as: reasons for studying the master, work previously master, workplace, salary, salary by gender, etc. He ended his presentation anayzing the trends obtained in the last four labor insertion studies.
Finally the program was closed by General Secretary of Universities, Don José Alberto Díez de Castro. He spoke the importance of these studies at the regional and national level. On the other hand, he highlighted the importance of having university studies to get employment. The higher the level studies is relationship the greater the employability. For this reason he emphasized “It’s a good investment to do a master”.

The main conclusions from these results are:
The primary reason they gave for studying the Master’s was to complement their academic education to obtain a greater specialisation in the labour market, accounting for 64.3%. |
With respect to the employment status when they enrolled on the Master’s Degree, 58.2% of graduates had worked previously and 60.2% combined their job with studying for the Master’s Degree. |
7.40 was the average number of months after completing the Master’s Degree before finding employment. |
92.6% of graduates had worked after completing their Master’s Degree, of which 73.9% are currently in employment and 18,7% don’t work when the survey was conducted but worked before completing their Master’s Degree. |
46.5% of graduates state that their current job is quite or very much related to the Master’s Degree they studied. |
With respect to the geographic location of their job, the large majority of SUG Master’s graduate currently work in Galicia (86,8%) when the survey was conducted. 13.2% of graduates are working outside of the Galician region, 10.8% of these are employed in other parts of Spain and 2.4% are working abroad. |
88.8% graduates are salaried employees, virtually all of them are registered with the Spanish Social Security system. Of the employed graduates, 40.1% have a permanent contract, and 46.1% have a temporary contract. |
The average salary of Master’s Degree graduates is €1,251.70. |
77.1% would study the same Master’s program again. |