
Presentation of the publication “Labor market insertion study of galician university system master’s graduates 2011-2012”


ON THURSDAY, 14th December at 11:00 hours at ACSUG will be presented the ACSUG´s publication: “LABOR MARKET INSERTION STUDY OF GALICIAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM MASTER’S GRADUATES 2011-2012”. This presentation will be made by Secretario Xeral de Universidades, president of ACSUG board of Directors and ACSUG Director.

In 2013, the consortium ACSUG (Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System) initiated a new project to analyze the employment situation of graduates who had earned official master's degrees within the Galician University System (SUG). To continue forward with this project, ACSUG is publishing its third report. The current structure of university studies, organized as undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees after adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), is creating a need to understand the academic and employment situations faced by graduates who have earned an official university master's degree, and such studies can also complement the information currently existing in relation to undergraduate degrees.

In this third publication, we will analyze the results of the third survey, which was given in June and July 2015 to SUG graduates who had earned official master's degrees. The objectives of this study are analogous to those of the initial project: to provide information on SUG graduates who have earned official master's degrees, while focusing on two main themes: analysis of the evaluations given by the graduates to the organizational aspects and presentation of their master's degree programs, as well as their primary motivation for pursuing a master's degree; and analysis of their experience in the workplace, both before and after completing their master's degree. Finally, the report adds a comparative analysis of the results obtained for the graduates from the 2011-2012, 2010-2011 and 2009-2010 academic years.

The FIDES-AUDIT Programme: Certification phase for implementation of quality assurance systems


The Call for Requests is being published for participation by university departments and schools in the process for Certification of Implementation of Quality Assurance Systems.

The time period for submitting these requests begins on 28/11/2017 and ends on 27/12/2017. Any universities interested must complete the participation request document.

- Request Document

Meta-evaluation meeting in ACSUG


A meeting with representatives of the Degrees Vice-Rectorates and Quality Assurance Areas of the three Galician Universities was celebrated in the ACSUG the 31 October 2017. The main objective of the meeting was to analyze the 2016/2017 assessment call regarding the degrees evaluation procedures (ex-ante evaluation, modifications, monitoring and ex-post evaluation) and the certification of Quality Assurance Systems of the Galician university centers. As a result, some areas for improvement have been detected. Another objective of the meeting was to decide the planning and schedule of the 2017/2018 degrees assessment call.

Before the meeting, with the objective of gathering information from the different stakeholders (coordinators and responsible of degrees and external evaluators), some surveys have been carried out to measure the satisfaction with the call of 2015/5016. In the surveys, among other aspects, the questions were about the documentation, organization and development of the different evaluation processes.

The meta-evaluation meetings, organized annually between the ACSUG and the three Galician universities, are an extremely useful tool in order to assure a continuous quality improvement in the degrees and faculties assessment procedures launched by ACSUG.

Meeting with representatives of the Degrees Vice-Rectorates and Quality Assurance Areas of the three Galician Universities (31.10.2017)

ACSUG took part in “XIII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións” at the University of A Coruña in Ferrol, organized by Sociedade Galega para a Promoción da Estatística e da Investigación de Operacións (SGAPEIO)


ACSUG attended the “XIII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións”, which took place on 26th, 27th and 28th of October at the University of A Coruña in the Esteiro Campus in Ferrol.

The purpose of these event, which usually celebrating every two years, was to inform people about the most recent results in Statistics and Operations Research. During the programme there were different activities, such as, conferences, a panel discussion, training and presentations, where ACSUG contributed with two poster presentations titled: “Mobilidade e coñecemento de idiomas dos titulados no Sistema Universitario de Galicia nos cursos 2011-2012 e 2012-2013” and “A inserción laboral dos titulados en Máster: motivación e valoración do título”.

These poster presentations included the last results about the labour market insertion studies of the research carried out by the Agency. The first presentation was about mobility programs and knowledge of languages of Bachelor’s degree graduates from academic years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. On the other hand, the second presentation was regarding the assessment of the master’s degree graduates. The students gave their opinions on different aspects of the master’s program, such as program, competencies, teaching staff, coordination, and thesis of the master. Finally, date was analyzed to find out why students chose to study a master.

ACSUG takes part in the 2017 ENQA general assembly in Sevres (France)


ACSUG has participated in the General Assembly of the year 2017 of the European Association for the Guarantee of the Quality of Higher Education (ENQA), which was held on 26 and 27 October in the French city of Sevres.

The General Assembly was preceded, as usual, by a forum attended by more than 120 people belonging to the agencies that are part of ENQA. In this forum various topics related to the quality of higher education were discussed, through presentations, round tables and poster presentations. Among other issues, the recommendations that ENQA will propose for the next Ministerial Conference of the Bologna Process, scheduled for the month of May 2018 in Paris, were discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of carrying out institutional accreditation or accreditation of programs have also been discussed

Afterwards, at the ENQA General Assembly, both the annual report for 2017 and the budget and the plan of activities for 2018 of the entity were approved. It also proceeded to the partial renewal of the Board and the election of the new president of the body. The assembly also confirmed, for 5 more years, the renewal of 7 agencies that were reevaluated in 2017 as members of the agency.

The next meeting of ENQA, the member's forum of the year 2018, will take place in Zaragoza next April, organized by the Agency for Quality and Prospective University of Aragon (ACPUA).

Publication of the 2016 University Quality Report


As they do every year, ANECA and Spain’s regional quality agencies are publishing their Report on the Status of External Quality Evaluation at Spanish Universities for 2016.

The report being presented here, which has been produced on an annual basis since 2006, helps fulfil the mission of providing ongoing reporting, to the Ministry responsible for universities and various other stakeholders in the community, regarding development and implementation of the processes for evaluation, certification, and accreditation carried out in Spain in the area of university education.

The final objective of these reports is to provide a reflection that will assist with decision-making on the primary improvement actions needed in order to guarantee the quality of the Spanish University System, with an approach that is especially focused on serving the interests of the students and the community.

ECA annual meeting 2017


The 4th Annual meeting and 20th Workshop of the European Consortium of Accreditation (ECA) was celebrated the 22 and 23 June 2017 in Paris (France). The Director and the coordinator of international relations of ACSUG, who is a member of the ECA Board. took part in the seminar. The ACSUG also participated, as usually, in the meeting of the working group 1 about mutual recognition and joint programs.

Training workshop for the evaluation committees from the University of Vigo for carrying out the 2017 Call for Applications for the DOCENTIA programme


As one of the activities included in the framework collaboration agreement signed between the ACSUG and the University of Vigo for development at that university of the Programme for Supporting the Evaluation of Teaching Activities (known as DOCENTIA in Spanish), a training workshop was held at the ACSUG on 13 July and attended by members of the 4 Evaluation Committees that will participate in the first Call for Applications for the DOCENTIA Programme. A total of 19 evaluators attended the workshop, in addition to representatives from the Quality Area and the Vice-Rector for Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff.

Workshop Agenda

Training workshop for the evaluation committee from the University of Defence (CUD) for development of the DOCENTIA programme


As one of the activities included in the framework collaboration agreement signed between ACSUG and the CUD for development at that university of the Programme for Supporting the Evaluation of Teaching Activities (known as DOCENTIA in Spanish), a training workshop was held at  ACSUG on 11 July and attended by members of the Evaluation Committee that will participate in the first Call for Applications for the DOCENTIA Programme.

Workshop Agenda

Call for Requests for pre-hiring evaluation of teaching staff for universities from the Galician University System


On 20 June 2017, the Resolution of 26 April 2017 is being published in the Official Gazette of Galicia. This resolution was issued by the Chair of the ACSUG, and it approves the Ordinary Call for Requests for obtaining a pre-hiring evaluation for university teaching staff, for universities from the Galician University System, while also opening the time period for submittal of those requests.

Access to the web page used to fill in the request form.

Payment of administrative fees for submittal of the request


2016 Accreditation Committees


Based on the authorities granted by the applicable legislation, the Galician Committee on Reports, Evaluations, Certifications, and Accreditations (CGIACA in Spanish) is publishing the membership of the expert consulting committees that have been established in conformity with the Call for Requests released on 25 April 2016 (published in the Official Gazette of Galicia on 24 May), for evaluation of teaching staff prior to hiring for the universities from the Galician University System.

Signing of general agreement between ACSUG and the LiberQuaré University


The Agency for Quality Asurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) and the LiberQuaré University have signed a general agreement in the ACSUG offices on 9 June 2017. Mr. José Eduardo López Pereira, the ACSUG Director, and Mr. Agustín Docil Maceira, the LiberQuaré University Rector, took part in the signing event.


ACSUG has participated in the workshop entitled “Exploring Synergies Between Quality Assurance and Qualifications Recognition” in Dublin (Ireland), organised by ENQA


ACSUG has participated in the workshop entitled “Exploring Synergies Between Quality Assurance and Qualifications Recognition” on 1-2 June in Dublin (Ireland).

This workshop was organised by European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)and hosted by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). ). In this event, experiences regarding qualifications recognition, examples about collaboration between Quality Assurance Agency and ENIC-NARIC centres were discussed. In addition, the identification of problems and solutions to establish common synergies in the procedure of qualifications recognition were worked. Currently, there is a ENQA’S group working on this topic.

Members of Quality Assurance Agencies, ENIC-NARIC centres, Universities and others stakeholders have participated during the development of this workshop. They have introduced their different point of views on recognition of qualifications and identified the need to work on the establishment of common guidelines.

All information from the event are available on:

External data protection audit


In February 2017, the consulting company LOPDAT carried out in the ACSUG an external audit regarding the ACSUG fulfilment of the current requirements in data protection. The results of the audit conclude that the ACSUG conducts adequate management and has implemented all necessary measures related to data security and protection: files registered in the Data Protection Spanish Agency (AEPD), backup protocol, documents and systems support management, access control and password procedures, etc.

ACSUG takes part in THE ENQA MEMBERS’ FORUM 2017 in Oslo (Norway)


On 4 and 5 May 2017, the Members' Forum of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) was organized in Oslo (Norway). The ACSUG director attended the meeting in which, besides the organization assembly, other topics related with the higher education were discussed: situation of the Bologna Process, unintended outcomes of quality assurance, etc.

Results for SUG overall: “Labor market insertion of Galician University System graduates 2012-2013 (EIL1213)” by Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System


On Friday 21st April, Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) had presented the results for SUG overall of “Labor market insertion of Galician University System graduates 2012-2013 (EIL1213)”. This presentation was made by General Secretary of Universities, D. José Alberto Díez de Castro, president of the ACSUG board of Directors, D.ª María Patrocinio Morrondo Pelayo and ACSUG executive director, D. José Eduardo López Pereira.


This summary compiles the results obtained from the eleventh survey,given to graduates of the Galician University System, performed in December 2015. The study population consists of SUG graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year (diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, engineering and architecture degrees, and technical engineering and architecture degrees), and degrees. The study population consists of SUG graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year (diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, engineering and architecture degrees, and technical engineering and architecture degrees), and degrees.

Sample represents 53,28% of the total population of graduates.




Universidade da Coruña



Universidade de Santiago de Compostela



Universidade de Vigo






For each qualification and campus (sub-population) a random sample was selected, determining the sample size by estimation of the proportion (with maximum variance) and setting a maximum permissible error rate of 10%, with a confidence level of 95%.

The results obtained in this study provide information of the aspects related to the transition of higher education to the labor market: university training, internships and jobs during the degree earned, mobility, knowledge of languages, access to employment, employment search routes, current situation, time spent finding work, type of contract and assessment of competencies required in employment.

The main conclusions from these results are:

Academic data

  • For 76.89% of graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year,the degree obtained had been their first choice.

  • 58.08% of graduates benefited from scholarships during their studies.Of them, more than half, maintained this for three or more academic years. In 98.61% of cases the scholarship came from a Spanish public institution.

  • 46.90% of graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year had at the time of the survey completed another university degree, apart from the degree for which they were surveyed.

  • 19.46% of graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year participated in a mobility program, during their time at the university, mainly in the Erasmus program, with 80.24%. In 81.07% of cases the destination was a university elsewhere in the European Union.

  • 93.12% of graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year knew a language other than the oficial languages of the SUG(gallego y castellano). (Galician and Spanish). Of them, 52.88% reported knowing only one additional language.

Employment search


  • 80.22% of graduates sought employment related to their degree after completion of their studies. Of them, 62.50% found it.

  • The average time taken for graduates to find their first job after their degree was 9.54 months.

  • Job search routes most commonly used by graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year were the internet with a 4.06, self-promotion, with 3.77, and through personal contacts, family or friends, with 3.01. More than half of the graduates, 53.05%, found their first employment by one of these three methods.

Current situation

  • 23.15% of graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year were continuing with their studies at the time of the survey.

  • 24.02% of graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year were preparing for competitive examinations at the time of the survey.

  • 70.59% of graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year were working at the time of the survey.

Current employment (after degree)

  • The majority of the graduates, 78.26%, were working in Galicia.16.70% were working in another autonomous community and only 5.04% worked outside of Spain.

  • The average salary of a graduate during the 2012-2013 academic year was €1,086.60 per month. More than half of the graduates, 51.13%, had a monthly salary higher than €1,000.

  • 76.66% of graduates who worked were carrying out university-level functions in their work. Of them, 82.87% were carrying out functions specific to their degree.

  • The five skills most valued by graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year were learning capacity, with 4.52, motivation, with 4,50, problem solving skills, with 4.47, coral/written communication skills, with 4.44, and adaptability, with 4.37

Satisfaction with the academic route

  • 90.43% of graduates would pursue university studies again.Of them, 80.29% would choose the same degree , of which 85.59% would repeat their studies at the same university.This means that 62.15% of total graduates from the SUG during the 2012-2013 academic year would repeat exactly the same academic route, i.e., they would pursue the same degree again at the same university.

Presentation of the Summary: “Labor market insertion of Galician University System Graduates 2012-2013”. On Friday 21st April at 12:30 hours in the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System.


On Friday 21st April at 12:30 hours in the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) will be presented the Summary of “Labor market insertion of Galician University System Graduates 2012-2013”. This presentation will be made by General Secretary of Universities, D. José Alberto Díez de Castro, president of the ACSUG board of Directors, D.ª María Patrocinio Morrondo Pelayo and ACSUG executive director, D. José Eduardo López Pereira.

This survey is framed within the labor market studies of the Galician University System (SUG) graduates, which are carried out regularly by ACSUG since 2001. The main objectives of this study are collection of information on the graduates’ perceptions on their education and their university; and collection of information on their search for employment and their current situation in the workplace.

This summary compiles the results obtained from the eleventh survey given to graduates of the Galician University System, performed in December 2015. The study population consists of SUG graduates during the 2012-2013 academic year (diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, engineering and architecture degrees, and technical engineering and architecture degrees), and degrees.

The results obtained in this study provide information of the aspects related to the transition of higher education to the labor market: university training, internships and jobs during the degree earned, mobility, knowledge of languages, access to employment, employment search routes, current situation, time spent finding work, type of contract and assessment of competencies required in employment.

Agreement signed between the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System and the University Center for Defense - Marín Naval Military School


The Director of the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG in Spanish), J. Eduardo López Pereira, and the Assistant Director of the University Center for Defense (CUD in Spanish)-Marín Naval Military School, Santiago Urréjola Madriñán, have signed an agreement to apply the Agency's DOCENTIA program to support evaluations for the teaching staff giving classes at the military school. Assistant Director Urréjola visited the ACSUG's offices along with the CUD's Quality Coordinator Francisco Javier Fernández, in order to ensure that all parties were fully informed regarding the entire process before signing the agreement. The aspects covered included, among others, the time schedule for the procedures, details on the evaluation fees, and estimation of total costs.

By signing this agreement, the ACSUG is taking on a set of commitments that include providing the CUD with documents related to the Program for Supporting Evaluation of Teaching Activities, training for the head administrators at the CUD, and monitoring of the implementation and certification of the evaluation model designed by the CUD.

For its part, the CUD has agreed to participate in all phases of the program's development: design, training, verification, implementation, and certification, and it has also agreed to report the aggregated results of its teaching staff evaluations to the University of Vigo.

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Workshop on Certification of Internal University Quality Assurance Systems


The ACSUG has participated in the Workshop on Certification of Internal University Quality Assurance Systems organized by UNIBASQ (the Agency for Quality in the Basque Country University System), which took place from 9:15 am to 2:00 pm on March 10, 2017 at the Ikerbasque offices in Bilbao (María Díaz de Haro, 3, Bilbao, Planta Baja- Archivo Histórico).



Committee from the Dominican Republic's Ministry of Higher Education visits the ACSUG


A committee that was created by the Dominican Republic's Ministry for Higher Education, Science and Technology in order to develop a National Quality Assurance System made a visit to the ACSUG in order to gain its support for consultation and implementation of a quality improvement system in that country. This committee is being chaired by Dr. Saturnino de los Santos, Vice-Minister of Certification and Development of Teaching Careers, with other members including Dr. Radhamés Mejía, Ex-Chancellor of the APEC University , Dr. Roberto Reyna, Ex-Chancellor of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), and Dr. Laura Abreu, an educational consultant for the cited Ministry.

During an intensive day of work at the ACSUG, a variety of informational sessions took place regarding the quality management processes developed by the ACSUG at both the national and international levels: verification, monitoring, quality certification, and the quality assurance system. The Ministry of Higher Education is hoping to take advantage of potential synergies offered by working on its processes for quality control and improvement with agencies from other more experienced countries, and to learn from any mistakes that may have been made there in order to avoid repeating them. To explore the potential for such synergies, the ACSUG and this committee jointly coordinated a workshop held at the University of A Coruña, where the hosts were the Chancellor Dr. Julio Abalde and Vice-chancellor Dr. Nancy Vázquez, who explained the shift in perception experienced by that university before and after it received its own accreditation.

Between these two working days the committee was invited for a visit to the offices of the Government of Galicia by its Minister of Culture, Education, and University Organization, Dr. Román Rodríguez, who explained the efforts made by his administration towards improving university quality, as well as the fundamental role that the ACSUG has played in accomplishing that mission.

The most immediate result expected from this visit to Galicia will be the signing of an agreement for institutional collaboration between the Dominican Republic's Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and Galicia's Ministry of Culture, Education and University Organization, as well as a second agreement between the visiting Ministry and the ACSUG to promote close collaboration on the implementation of a national Higher Education Quality system in the Dominican Republic.


1st Regional Thematic Seminar in Lisbon: Institutional Accreditations in Europe – 2 cases


ACSUG has attended the “1st Regional Thematic Seminar in Lisbon: Institutional Accreditations in Europe – 2 cases”, que tuvo lugar el pasado 31 de enero en Lisboa. This seminar was organized by “European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA) Working group 2". "Innovation in QA and Accreditation” e a Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) from Portugal In this seminar, two experiences regarding the institutional accreditation were discussed, which were developed by Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) in Flanders y Zentrale Evaluations-und Akkreditierungsagentur Hannover (ZEvA) in German.

Currently, this working group focuses on the following innovative topics:

  • Employability and transversal skills
  • Cross-border higher education/Internationalisation activities
  • Risk-based approaches/Risk analysis
  • Regional thematic seminars

Evaluation of university centers in the Anáhuac-Xalapa University (UAX) in México.


The evaluation process of the Business and Economy Faculty of the Anáhuac University in Xalapa (México), was carried out by ACSUG between May to December 2016. Four Bachelor degrees were assessed:

  • Bachelor degree in Business Administration
  • Bachelor degree in Finances and Public Accounts
  • Bachelor degree in Marketing
  • Bachelor degree in International Business

The External Evaluation Committee, appointed by ACSUG, visited the UAX the 3, 4 and 5 October 2016. The final reports were sent to the university the 16 December 2016. The result was positive for the four Bachelor degrees, and ACSUG, from now on, is going to carry out a monitoring of the degrees Improvement Plans.

Expand information


ECA winter seminar 2016


The 2016 Winter Seminar of the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA) .was celebrated between the 13 and 15 December 2016 in The Hague (Netherlands). A representative of ACSUG, member of the ECA Board.took part in the seminar. The ACSUG also participated, as usually, in the meeting of the working group 1 about mutual recognition and joint programs. During the General Assembly of the Organization the representative of ACSUG made a presentation about the quality assurance in the Spanish University System.


Training seminar for the degrees assessors


On 14 December 2016, a training seminar was celebrated in ACSUG, directed to the members of the ACSUG Evaluation Committees in charge of the ex-ante, monitoring and ex-post degrees assessment processes. The number of attendees to the seminar was 18, including academics, professionals and students.
