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2011 Call for proposals for academic excellence bonuses


A través de la Resolución del 10 de noviembre de 2011 (DOG del 01 de diciembre de 2011), se aprueba la convocatoria ordinaria para la evaluación de las retribuciones adicionales, relativas al complemento de reconocimiento a la excelencia curricular docente e investigadora y se abre el plazo para la presentación de solicitudes.

El plazo para presentar las solicitudes finaliza el día 31 de diciembre de 2011.

Convocatoria complementos retributivos


La ACSUG, según fue comunicado por su Presidenta al Consejo de Dirección celebrado el 27 de octubre, hará en este mes de noviembre las convocatorias correspondientes al año 2011 relativas a las evaluaciones previas a la asignación de los complementos retributivos

Training seminar


With the aim of informing about the quality evaluation procedures related to teaching staff and university programmes, ACSUG organizes a Seminar directed to teaching staff and students of the Galician University System (SUG) as well as professionals of different business areas; who are interested in taking part in the external evaluation processes carrying out by ACSUG. The seminar is going to be held on 15 and 16 November 2011 in the EGAP facilities in Santiago of Compostela.


Pre-registration form

Invitation for evaluation prior to the hiring or professors and report prior to special staff hiring



Solicitude para a avaliación previa á contratación do profesorado universitario polas universidades do SUG. A través da Resolución do 19 de setembro de 2011 ( DOG do 28 de setembro de 2011) , apróbase a convocatoria ordinaria para a avaliación previa á contratación de profesorado universitario polas universidades do Sistema Universitario de Galicia e se abre o prazo para a presentación de solicitudes.


Solicitude para a obtención do informe previo á contratación excepcional de profesorado colaborador polas universidades do SUG. A través da Resolución do 19 de setembro de 2011 ( DOG do 28 de setembro de 2011), apróbase a convocatoria ordinaria para a obtención do informe previo á contratación excepcional de profesorado colaborador polas universidades do Sistema Universitario de Galicia e se abre o prazo para a presentación de solicitudes.

Devolución en la ACSUG de la documentación justificativa del los méritos curriculares presentados por los solicitantes de las convocatorias 2004 y 2005 de evaluación e informe previos a la contratación del profesorado


Sale publicada en el DOG del día 12 de julio de 2011 la Resolución de 29 de junio de 2011, del Consello de Dirección de la Axencia para a Calidade do Sistema Universitario de Galicia, por la que se acuerda la destrucción de la documentación justificativa de los méritos curriculares presentados por los solicitantes que concurrieron a las convocatorias de 2004 y 2005 de evaluación e informe previos a la contratación de profesorado universitario, por la que se acuerda la destrucción de la documentación justificativa de los méritos. EL PLAZO TERMINA EL 31 DE OCTUBRE DE 2011.

Notice for pre-hiring evaluation teachers and exceptional pre-hiring report for colatoratos: resolution notifications


All those who have submitted an application to the ACSUG, in accordance with the ordinary notice to obtain the pre-hiring evaluation for university professors for the universities in the University System of Galicia, as well as the ordinary notice to obtain the exceptional pre-hiring report for collaborating professors, both published by means of the respective resolutions of 17 December 2010 (Official Bulletin of Galicia "DOG" 29 December 2010), are hereby notified that those interested may retrieve their resolutions on 16, 17, 20 and 21 June, at the ACSUG offices, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. After 22 June 2011, they will be sent by ordinary post.

Publication of the composition of the Evaluation Expert Advisers Commission for the Special PDI Programme at the University of Vigo


Agreement of the Galician Commission of Reports, Evaluation, Certification and Accreditation (CGIACA), of 10 May 2011, which publishes the composition of the Expert Advisers Commission constituted under the Special Collaboration Agreement between the University of Vigo and the Consorcio Axencia para a Calidade do Sistema Universitario de Galicia ("Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System") to evaluate the applicants to the special PDI programme at the University of Vigo of 18 December 2008 regarding the notice for the 2010/2011 year.

2ª convocatoria de Implantación del Programa DOCENTIA en la USC: Jornada dirigida a los Comités de Evaluación


El 27 de mayo se celebró en la ACSUG una jornada de formación dirigida a los miembros de los Comités de Evaluación que participan en la 2ª fase de Implantación del Programa DOCENTIA en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

Los objetivos de la jornada son dar a conocer a los Comités el estado actual en el que se encuentra el Programa DOCENTIA a nivel gallego y nacional, conocer en detalle el manual de evaluación de la actividad docente de la USC y familiarizarse con la aplicación informática diseñada por ACSUG para el desarrollo de este programa.

Programa de la Jornada



FIDES-AUDIT programme. 4th evaluation notice for the design or the SIGC


The fourth notice was issued on 12 May 2011. The deadline for submitting applications for participation at the centres is 6 June. The deadline for submitting complete SGIC documentation to the centre is 19 September 2011.

Publication of the composition of the accreditation expert advisers committees prior to hiring professors


Agreement of the Galician Reports, Evaluation, Certification and Accreditation Commission (CGIACA), of 29 March 2011, which publishes the composition of the expert advisers committees constituted pursuant to the resolutions of 17 December 2010, approving, respectively, the ordinary notice for requesting pre-hiring evaluations for professors at the universities of Galicia and notice for obtaining the exceptional pre-hiring report for collaborating professors.

ACSUG Environmental Declaration 2010


The ACSUG has adapted its Environmental Management System according the new version of the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) nº 1221/2009, of 25 November 2009. The 2010 Environmental Declaration has been assessed positively by AENOR.

Agreement of the Galician Committee for Reports, Assessment, Certification and Accreditation (CGIACA) of January 25, 2011


Agreement of the Galician Committee for Reports, Assessment, Certification and Accreditation (CGIACA), of January 25, 2011, publishing the composition of the expert advisors committees regarding the Resolution of October 20, 2011 for which it’s approved the regular call to request evaluations prior for allocating salary bonuses in recognition of teaching and research academic excellence.

ACSUG takes part in the conference “Modeling and measurement of competencies in higher education" en Berlin


On 24, 25 and 26 February 2011, ACSUG takes part in the international conference “Modeling and Measurement of Competencies in Higher Education” in Berlin, with the poster presentation entitled “Labour market insertion of the Galician University System Graduates. Competencies required in the current employment”. Experts from various countries and disciplines will present and discuss the international state of research about the competencies in Higher Education.

Evaluation protocol for the verification official university degrees


The Evaluation protocol for the verification of official university degrees was created and approved within the Red Española de Agencias de Calidad Universitaria (Spanish Network of University Quality Agencies) (REACU). This meets the legal requirement that agencies issuing evaluation reports prior to verification of official degrees must agree to a common protocol (Art. 24.3, RD 861/2010). This protocol focuses on the minimum criteria and directives that each degree proposal must contain and will be supplemented by the guides that each of the agencies develops to approach the evaluation process in greater detail.

Training day for handling the Ministry of Edutation’s RUCT application


Next Monday February 1, the ACSUG, in collaboration with the EGAP, will hold a training day for handling the Ministry of Education’s RUCT application for all staff of the SUG universities involved in the introduction of new proposals for official degrees or modifications of already approved curricula. More information