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Evaluation prior to hiring professors


Agreement of the Comisión Galega de Informes, Avaliación, Certificación e Acreditación Galician Commission on Reports, Approval, Certification and Accreditation (CGIACA) of November 9, 2010, approving the evaluation protocol for hiring professors by the universities that are part of the University System of Galicia (SUG).

2010 regular call for the complements of management posts recognition


The Resolution of October 20, is published today, November 26, approving the ordinary call for proposals to request evaluation prior to the assignment of the complementary compensation for the management posts and opening the period for the presentation of applications.

The period to submit the applications is opened from November 27 to December 27

Associate lecturers consolidation


Agreement of the Galician Committee for Reports, Assessment, Certification and Accreditation (CGIACA) of November 2, 2010, approving the protocol of report and prior evaluation to the consolidation of associate lectures in the Galician Universities (SUG).

ACSUG is included in the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR)


On 18 November 2010, ACSUG has been included in the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR), after this organization verifies that ACSUG operates in substantial compliance with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the Higher Education Area (ESG).

EQAR has been founded by ENQA, ESU, EUA and EURASHE, the European representative bodies of quality assurance agencies, students, universities and other higher education institutions, respectively, to increase the transparency of quality assurance in higher education across Europe. EQAR is a register that lists the quality agencies operating in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) which are considered to be solvent and trustworthy and to possess a good credibility.

ACSUG, ANECA and AQU Catalunya deliver the AUDIT certificates


On November 23, ACSUG, ANECA and AQU Catalunya deliver the AUDIT certificates, in a ceremony organized by ACSUG in the EGAP facilities.

The ceremony, with the participation of relevant academic authorities and agencies representatives, is graced with the presence of Mr. Xesús Vázquez Abad, Counselor of University Education in Galicia.

The certificate is granted to those SGICs which designs have been assessed positively. In this second call, a total of 258 centers will receive the AUDIT certificate, corresponding to 38 universities.


2010 ordinary invitation for bonuses in recognition or excellent teaching and research employment background


The Resolution of October 20, 2010 (DOG of November 8, 2010) approves the ordinary call for evaluation for salary bonuses in recognition of teaching and research academic excellence, and opens the period for presenting applications.

In this call for proposals, applicants for the 2006 and 2007 calls for proposals may request reevaluation for these bonuses if they have obtained new five-year teaching or six-year research contracts. In opting for reevaluation, it is important to keep in mind that , for all purposes, this new evaluation replaces that previously obtained. Therefore, for the additional evaluation, applicants shall present the appropriate commendations (maximum 6 for teaching and 6 for research) for the 2005-2009 period. If no commendations are provided, the new evaluation shall consider only the sections pertinent to the basic evaluation, and the applicants lose the corresponding additional points previously obtained.

The deadline for presenting applications ends on December 9, 2010.

2010 ordinary invitation for bonuses in recognition of teaching and research work


The , Resolution of October 20, 2010 (DOG November 8, 2010) , approves the ordinary invitation for evaluation for salary bonuses in recognition of teaching and research work, and the period is opened for presenting applications.

The deadline for presenting applications is December 9, 2010.

Access to the web form to complete the application and aditional attachments.


External data protection audit


On 02 July 2010, the consulting company LOPDAT carried out in the ACSUG an external audit regarding the ACSUG fulfilment of the current requirements in data protection. The results of the audit conclude that the ACSUG conducts adequate management and has implemented all necessary measures related to data security and protection: files registered in the Data Protection Spanish Agency (AEPD), backup protocol, documents and systems support management, access control and password procedures, etc.

The Environmental Management System of ACSUG is verified according the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)


On December 2009, the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR) carried out an external audit to check the fulfilment of ACSUG about the requirements of EMAS. As a result, on 13 April 2010, the ACSUG Environmental Management System has been correctly verified and it is integrated in the existing management system. After that, ACSUG has been included in the Galician Register of Centres Adhered to the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, which is administered by each autonomous community in Spain.

One of the main requirements of EMAS is to carry out yearly a public document, explaining the environmental management in this period. This document is called Environmental Declaration.

ACSUG takes part in the meeting of the ENQA Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) group in London


On 08 and 09 June 2010, the members of the ENQA IQA Group have a working meeting in London. The IQA group has been created by ENQA and it’s composed mainly by internal and external quality technicians of the agencies members of ENQA.

This group was established with the objectives of sharing experiences about practices in internal quality and management systems and fostering the collaboration between the agencies about this matter. Besides others activities, a general meeting is carried out yearly.

This year, the meeting is in London, for which ENQA has the collaboration of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). In the conference, the presentations of various topics are included, as well as debates and working groups. A contribution of ACSUG about “internal and external communication in the quality agencies” is one of the selected topics to discuss.

Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the european higher education area


ACSUG carried out the adaptation of the document about European Standards and Guidelines into Galician. The Linguistics Service of the A Coruña University has collaborated in the translation.

The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) has included the Galician version in the website.

Results about teaching staff prior assesment


It is announced that the applicants of the notifications of evaluation prior of hiring by the universities in the posts of temporary lecturer, assistance lecturer and private university teacher and in the call for applications about the report and prior evaluation to the exceptional hiring of assistance professors, approved both of them on December 15, 2009; can pick up the individual resolution in the ACSUG headquarters since March 30, 2010 to April 7, 2010. From this date the resolutions will be sent by post.

The Open times of the public help desk is from 9:00 to 14:00h from Monday to Friday.

Drawing of the members for the teaching staff selection committees of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


As it’s established in the agreement of 29 May 2009 between ACSUG and USC, on 1 March 2010, at 12.00 am, the drawing will take place in the ACSUG assembly hall (CIFP “Compostela”, Rúa Lamas de Abade, s/n, 15702 - Santiago de Compostela)

Pilot project of the 2010 call for applications about the monitoring of master and grade official degrees


Se abre la convocatoria para participar en el Proyecto Piloto de Seguimiento de los títulos oficiales de grado y máster. El objetivo que se pretende cubrir con la presente convocatoria es trabajar con las universidades en el diseño de un documento marco de referencia para el seguimiento de los títulos que imparten, en lo relativo a la recogida de las evidencias e indicadores más significativos.

El plazo de presentación de solicitudes a la ACSUG será hasta el 15 de marzo de 2010.

El plazo de presentación del “Informe anual de seguimiento y plan de mejora” será hasta el 15 de octubre de 2010.

Training day intended for the evaluation committees of the Docentia programme implementation in the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


A training day was carried out last 10 February in ACSUG, intended for the members of the teaching evaluation committees of the second phase implementation of the DOCENTIA programme in the University of Santiago de Compostela.

FIDES-AUDIT Programme. 3rd call for applications about the design evaluation of the internal management quality guarantee systems (SGIC)


The centres which want to take part in the 3rd call for applications about the design evaluation of the SGIC have a deadline of 22 February 2010 to submit the application. The period available to present the SGIC whole documentation is until 31 May.

Training day intended for the evaluation committees of the Docentia programme implementation in the Universidade de Vigo


A training day was carried out last 14 January in the University of Vigo, intended for the members of the teaching evaluation committees of the DOCENTIA programme implementation in the University of Vigo.