ACSUG has been acknowledged as an external accrediting agency in Peru

According to the resolution of the Presidency of the Ad Hoc Board of Directors of the Ministry of Education of Peru, after the Report issued by the Direction of Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education of the National System of Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of Educational Quality (Sistema Nacional de Evaluación, Acreditación y Certificación de la Calidad Educativa SINEACE), dated December 24, ACSUG has been authorized as an accrediting agency for undergraduate study programmes in the field of University Higher Education in Peru for a period of five years.

The resolution, published in the Official Gazette El Peruano on December 24, 2018, comes after ACSUG has been evaluating degrees at Peruvian universities for seven years, granting a university quality seal that, from now on "due to the evidence of having developed accreditation procedures equivalent to those established by SINEACE”, as stated in the aforementioned resolution, will have administrative character and value.

In this way, ACSUG becomes the first European Agency for University Quality Assurance to be acknowledged as an external accreditation agency in Latin America.