Process Directed to (*) Average (**) View Compensation bonuses for recognition of curriculum excellence in teaching and research (1C-10) 1 4,39 Evaluation prior to hiring of teaching staff and report prior to exceptional hiring of collaborators 1A-10 1 4,63 Isidro Parga Pondal Program 2010 1 4,38 Verifica Program 2011 1 4,70 Evaluation of teaching and research staff of the University of Vigo 2011 1 3,93 Evaluation of six-year terms of research of the teaching staff of the University of Oviedo 2011 1 4,45 Evaluation of the centres of the USMP 2011 1 4,92 Manuel Colmeiro Program 2011 1 4,59 Docentia Program 2011 1 4,38 Establishment of research units 2011 1 4,48 Fides-Audit Program - 2011 call 1 4,97 Isidro Parga Pondal Program - 2008's monitoring 1 4,60 Conference about the Verifica Program 2 4,98 Conference about the Docentia Program 2 4,39 Conference addressed to expert advisors (students) 2 3,82 Conference addressed to expert advisors (professionals) 2 3,83 Conference addressed to expert advisors (professors) 2 3,79 Conference about the Verifica program 2 4,31 Directed to (*): Expert advisors participating in the process Conference/Seminar attendees Applicants (**) Range of punctuation [1..5]