The Advisory Board is the consultative body of ACSUG and has the following functions, as referred to in section 26 of ACSUG statutes:
- Report, at the request of the director, on the consortium’s procedures and actions.
- At the request of the director, issue reports on controversies that occur with respect to compliance with standards or codes of ethics and best practices in the procedures and actions performed by the consortium.
- Analyse the methodology and the evaluation strategies that might be applied and propose measures to improve the quality of working methods and the introduction of technological innovations.
- Analyse the consortium’s operations and issue an annual report to the Governing Board.
- Maintain the proper collaboration and cooperation relations to favour the exchange of experiences and the flow of information with the committees that carry out similar functions within the external evaluation bodies that exist or are constituted at state and international level.
- Collect and analyse the suggestions, proposals and opinions that, with regard to the consortium's functions and actions will be formulated by public administrations, external evaluation bodies that exist at national and international level, Spanish universities and any other public or private institution linked to the field of university quality assurance.
- Submit proposals and suggestions to the consortium’s Management for consideration to improve performance.
- Any other function expressly commissioned by the director when its nature so permits.
- César Chaparro Gómez. University of Extremadura
Academic field
- María Luisa Calvache Quesada. University of Granada
- Ana María Gil Lafuente. University of Barcelona
- María Angustias Navarro Ruiz. University of Granada
- Emanuele Brianti. University of Messina (Italia)
- Carla Martins. University of Minho (Portugal)
- Julio Sánchez Maríñez. Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
Business field
- Roberto Pereira Costa.
Professional field
- Francisco Campos Freire.
Student’s field:
- Andrés Couso Viana. University of Santiago de Compostela..
- José Eduardo López Pereira. ACSUG Director (with voice but not voting rights)
- Mª Dolores Castro Pais. Member of ACSUG staff (with voice but not voting rights)